Friday, 8 April 2011

How can hypnotherapy boost your confidence when returning to work?

The decision to return to work after having children or after being a full time carer is rarely an easy one. The decision for some is fraught with fear of returning to a changed work place, even if returning to the same company many can still feel like the new person after time away, this is combined with guilt of “should I be going back” and the complete change of structure to your life all makes it a very difficult decision. Today’s workplaces are constantly evolving and you may find you have to adapt to these cultural changes or maybe learn new skills. Sometimes all this combined can result in a lack of confidence of the unknown . Simple hypnotherapy techniques can be hugely effective for increasing self confidence and self esteem and can give very rewarding and satisfying results.
Through hypnotherapy you'll uncover the roots of your lack of confidence, then learn powerful confidence-boosting techniques, such as visualisation and anchoring, that will help you banish negative self-talk, access your positive resources and allow the confident you to shine through.

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