Friday, 22 April 2011

Special offer at Holistic Rooms - Wednesdays and Thursdays until July

I have special discounted rates at the holistic rooms until July on Wednesday and Thursday appointments - £35 for each weight loss session and £125 for 2 sessions of smoking cessation. Please phone 07525 807940 for more information or drop me an email to

Monday, 18 April 2011

How does hypnosis help with IBS?

Hypnotherapy is hugely effective for IBS - the mind and the body are so interlinked that your stress relief can start to improve IBS when other conventional methods may not have worked.

Hypnotherapy has in fact been proven successful at reducing or even eliminating all Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Over 15 years of solid scientific research has demonstrated hypnosis to be an effective, safe and inexpensive choice for IBS alleviation.

If you're struggling with IBS, the tension, anxiety, and depression that comes from this can start to affect your immune system which further affects your health.

Hypnosis reduces this stress and you will start to re-educate your mind away from negative thoughts to more positive thoughts. As well as reducing stress hypnotherapy works further as can also help to significantly allievate the pain.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Is fear of flying making you dread your summer holiday?


Millions of flights depart and arrive safely across the world every day.

Back up systems are in place for virtually every system on the plane.

Commercial aircraft have approx 12 hours maintenance on the ground for every 1 hour in the air.

Air traffic controllers and pilots have had extensive and rigorous training.

Planes fly down their own private highway in the sky.

Yet still many many people are scared of flying. All the safety facts and logic in the world cant override the powerfulsubconscious mind which is causing the fear.

So why for people who fear flying is it so easy to ignore all the facts on how aeroplanes are the safest mode of transport and instead concentrate on the minute chance of "something going wrong".

Fear is good if it is logical - it is your minds way of essentially protecting you from a situation that could be of harm to you. Fear though of aeroplanes is illogical because of how safe it is. However, specific events, learned behaviour, multimedia reports, bad turbulence, claustrophobia and so many more reasons can cause the subconscious brain to believe that flying is something to genuinely fear.

Fear of flying takes away the enjoyment of going on a holiday as the whole build up can be spent worrying about the flight and what will happen, and whether you will even get there. It can even cause some people to never step foot on a plane at all.

Hypnotherapy can greatly assist with this fear - it can help you to establish why you have that deeprooted fear and using advanced visualisation and relaxation techniques you can genuinely start to actually look forward to your next ( or first) flight.

Friday, 8 April 2011

How can hypnotherapy boost your confidence when returning to work?

The decision to return to work after having children or after being a full time carer is rarely an easy one. The decision for some is fraught with fear of returning to a changed work place, even if returning to the same company many can still feel like the new person after time away, this is combined with guilt of “should I be going back” and the complete change of structure to your life all makes it a very difficult decision. Today’s workplaces are constantly evolving and you may find you have to adapt to these cultural changes or maybe learn new skills. Sometimes all this combined can result in a lack of confidence of the unknown . Simple hypnotherapy techniques can be hugely effective for increasing self confidence and self esteem and can give very rewarding and satisfying results.
Through hypnotherapy you'll uncover the roots of your lack of confidence, then learn powerful confidence-boosting techniques, such as visualisation and anchoring, that will help you banish negative self-talk, access your positive resources and allow the confident you to shine through.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Weight Loss...

In the last few months I seem to have been particularly busy with weight loss clients and it is so rewarding seeing how people can change a life time of habits so quickly.  I have worked with some clients that have been sceptical of hypnotherapy at the beginning and I completely understand that - I remember those doubtful feelings of how hypnotherapy could help me from when I first went to Hypnotherapy years ago.  However, many people come to hypnotherapy when they have tried many other methods and are almost at the end of their tether with a problem - when they see the results of hypnotherapy they often comment how they wish they had tried this method first.  With weight loss it can take between 3 - 6 sessions for permanent change but rarely more,  compare this with the cost of slimming clubs, fad diets etc and the fact that you genuinely can look at food in a fresh new way permanently and its no wonder that people wish they had found hypnotherapy earlier. 
Hypnotherapy is very powerful as it can retrain your subconscious brain by providing new visualisations and triggers to old situations, for example, boredom and comfort eating is a very common problem and people almost mindlessely eat just for the sake of it.  Through different techniques hypnotherapy will provide new visualisations which will train your brain to simply not associate food with these emotions and very very quickly you find that you simply dont think about food as much.  The most common reaction I find after just one session is " I got to the end of the evening and realised I hadnt snacked all day", each subsequent session then builds on this and by session 3 - 4 most people have changed habits of a lifetime and are looking at food in a completely fresh way.